Redmond EAGLES Gazette – FEBRUARY 2015 ____
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Social Room – 425-885-3324; Aerie Secretary – 425-889-0130; Auxiliary
Secretary – 425-883-8767
Did you know you have choices on how you
receive your newsletter?
You can have a
copy mailed to you courtesy of the US Postal Service.
OR, thanks to the efforts of fellow member,
Ritzy Ritzhaupt, you can access
the newsletter on the blog at If you decide on this option, let Aerie
Secretary, Ruby Gisle, know so she can remove your name from the mailing list,
and you will no longer receive a hard copy of the newsletter in the mail.
OR, thanks to Aerie President Scott Nettleton,
you can have it emailed to you.
Just send your email address to Scott at, and he’ll email
the newsletter to you. He will also
arrange to have your mailing address removed from the mailing list so you’ll no
longer receive a hard copy.
Accessing the newsletter via the blog or email can help us cut down on
printing and postage costs. The choice
is up to you.
Or, you can
still receive a hard copy in the mail, if that’s what you prefer!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
FEBRUARY 14 - Have a romantic
evening at the Eagles starting with a delicious dinner of your choice (open
menu or Valentine’s Day special plus dessert).
Then stay and dance to the music of “Southern Comfort.” Make it a special evening for you and your
sweetheart - or find a sweetheart!
Thanks to everyone who attended the dinner dance on January 17. More than 100 people attended from the seven
Eagles clubs in the District, and the Redmond Eagles was well represented. Everything turned out GREAT – the food, the
music, the raffle and the great fellowship by everyone who attended.
Many thanks to everyone who helped make the event so successful!
Invite your friends and family NOW to join the Ladies Auxiliary
during the months of February and March at the special membership rate of
$30. Membership offers the opportunity
to be part of the fellowship of the Ladies Auxiliary and to contribute new
talents and energy to the Auxiliary’s activities. For more info, contact Membership Chair,
LouAnn Ballew, at 425-463-6308.
State Madam
President, Donna Simonds, will visit the Ladies Auxiliary on Monday, February
16. Join us for dinner with her at 5
p.m. and then attend the meeting at 7 p.m.
Heads up
members! Elections of new officers will be
here before we know it (May), so you might think about running for an
office. There will be vacancies of key
positions. Ask Auxiliary President,
Carole Browning, for more information about duties, and look for info to be
posted at the club.
At the January meetings, two members could have been big winners – Theresa
Jensen and Anastasia Barnes, we missed you! Now the pot is at $75! YOU could be a big winner; come to the
Mark your calendars now for upcoming outings
in 2015:
May 15-16 – Racer State Park; Sharon Gottschalk will make the reservations. Send your checks to her for 2 nights. Three
cabins are available $84.85/night. RV
spaces have to be reserved in circles of ten.
July 17-18 – Pacific Beach Military Park & Hotel – There
were no vacancies available in June.
NOTE: Both outings need to be reserved ASAP.
Be sure to mention that you’re with the Redmond Eagles group when you
make your reservations.
The Lucky Dollar winner in January was Patsy –
way to go! Next meeting is on February
11 at 7 p.m.
Your donation of
at least $.50 per cup will be greatly appreciated! We go through many gallons of coffee every
week, and unfortunately, it isn’t free.
So please, remember to leave your donation for each cup you take. Thank you very much!
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