Thursday, August 6, 2015

Remond EAGLES Gazette August 2015

Redmond EAGLES Gazette – August 2015        _____        Page 2

Social Room – 425-885-3324; Aerie Secretary – 425-889-0130; Auxiliary Secretary – 425-883-8767

S E A H A W K S   P R E S E A S O N 
K I C K O F F   P A R T Y

F R I D A Y,   A U G U S T   1 4
S P E C I A L   S E A H A W K S   G I F T   B A S K E T   R A F F L E !!
G A M E   S T A R T S   A T   7   P M


We extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered at the fireworks booth 24 hours a day in what proved to be the hottest week of the year to date.  These 20 people together put in over 200 hours of volunteer time:  Judy Kittleson, Carole Browning, Doug Woods, Mollie Singleton, Nick Johns, Thea Ariz, Britttney, Bud & Sandy Garske, Vi Goessman, Ken Eagleman, Karen Hampton, Becki Munnigh, Mike Moen, Meaghan S., Mike McClaskey, Scott Nettleton, Kris Wentworth Nettleton, and a special thanks to Paul & Katie Reyes who worked diligently to bring this fundraiser back.  The campaign raised close to $1,000, and the Trustees will continue to evaluate the viability of fireworks sales for next year. 

The Trustees voted to create a new fundraising campaign, “Make a Difference You Will See.”  Please see the enclosed yellow insert for more details on how you can be involved!


Do you love the smell of fresh paint?  Do you know how to install carpeting?  Are you an electrician or drywall finisher?  Can you wash dishes or can you pick up dishes?  Can you load a salad bowl?  Can you hang lights or do you like to decorate, clean, or make things pretty?  If you answered YES to any of these questions, then march right over to the bar and sign up on the new VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET.   Here’s a good idea:  build a team of buddies and volunteer for a project together!  Whatever you do, sign up now!  We desperately need the drywall finished.  PRONTO!


We apologize for the delay in getting the July newsletter out to you.  It appears now, however, that the problems have been worked out, and we should be able to get the newsletter out to you in a timely manner.  Please keep in mind that you can always call the club to find out what’s going on,
We continue to evaluate the usefulness of the newsletter and hope to move to more cost effective measures. Currently we need to update the processes for creating, folding and sending the newsletter.  If you would like to be part of the plan and/or can help with folding, please contact the club or sign up at the bar on the VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET. 
Speaking of the newsletter, A BIG THANKS to Kris Wentworth for contributing several items this month, including the insert.  Good job, Kris!


Auxiliary President, Sandy Garske, is planning a special fundraiser for her two charities this year – the American Diabetes Association and Pope’s Kids.  A “Fall Fest” will be held featuring a sale of homemade goods.  Donations of any homemade items are welcome – jams and jellies, baked goods, knitted and crocheted items, etc., etc.  See Sandy if you’d like to donate anything.  All proceeds will benefit the charities.  More details are coming soon!

The Ladies Auxiliary will conduct a Memorial Service for Marilyn Bickford Davis Brill on Saturday, August 8 at 1:30 p.m. 
A big thanks to Sam and Mary Smith for hosting Sam’s “lucky 77” birthday party at the club on July 25.  It was good to see so many people who hadn’t been to the club in while!  Looking forward to $.78 hot dogs and beer next year, Sam!

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