Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Redmond EAGLES Gazette – January 2016  ____               Page 2

Important ***Google Notice*** you may need to join Google to read blogs in future.
Social Room: 425-885-3324; Aerie Secretary: 425-885-0130; Auxiliary Secretary: 425-883-8767 http://redmondeagles3324.blogspot.com; www.redmondeagles3324.com;
Facebook: Redmond Eagles & Redmond Eagles Ladies Auxiliary #3324

NEWSLETTER – Very Important Announcement

Remember this will be the last printed newsletter sent to your home or business unless you “OPT IN”.  If you do not opt in to receive the newsletter by mail it will only be available on our blog and/or the website.  You will be able to print it from either of those places.  Email redmondeagles3324@gmail.com  to opt in, provide your name and mailing address, or put your name and address on the OPT in form at the bar. This is part of our continuing fiscal efforts and will save the club over $2,500 annually and allows funds to be used for other causes.  We understand that for some using a computer is difficult to navigate and in some cases, not available, and it is equally important to remember that for many people computers and cell phones are their only communication source.   There will be a limited number of copies available at the bar. 

***Thea sends a special thank you to everyone who donated to the Giving Tree.  It is an honor to be associated with such giving and caring people who made three deserving families who would not have had a Christmas, have a wonderful and meaningful Christmas.  Can’t wait to do it again next year. 


As you can see we have made some incredible progress on getting the building painted, and complete.  You have done a great job with contributions.  We have moved forward two steps, and then we took one step back…..the plumbing issues and leaking pipes required considerable repairs.  The good news is we had the money, the bad news is it was $2,000.00.  The ceiling tiles have been purchased for the back room and we will continue to move forward. 


Ruby and Don Gisle for grabbing those paint brushes and moving forward with the interior paint.  You can see their beautiful work in the main stage and dance area of the club.  Thank you Ruby and Don for going above and beyond.


Have you seen the changes so far around the club? The “Make a difference you can see” campaign is really something you can see. It’s never too late to donate. Keep it coming folks to date we have raised $6,982.00 –


***Change in dues.  The Eagle’s Grand has implemented a change in dues structure.  Please pay close attention to your dues statement when it arrives.  Any questions you have can be asked of your friendly bartenders.  ***Auxiliary members please check our Facebook page, all the dues information was posted 12/20/15: Redmond Eagles Ladies Auxiliary #3324. If you like our Facebook page you will receive a notice for each update.

**I am looking for someone to write the newsletter and update the website.  My new work schedule has proven time prohibitive for me to continue writing the newsletter. Please contact Kris Wentworth at 206-550-5176.  I will train you.

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